For this assignment, each student was assigned a secret piece that he/she is asked to fabricate using contours and lasercutting. The pieces, when put together, generated a meaningful whole that the students did not know what it was until every piece eventually came together. The time-lapse video below shows the process of putting together the pieces in class.
The assignment sheet can be found here.
The timelapse video is created by Sadra Tehrani.
Music: The Klaymen's Theme by Terry Scott Taylor
WEEK #01
This week is the introductory week to Rhino for Windows.
The tutorials include information on how to get started with Rhino, and how to make drawings in 2D.
Linkedin Learning -
1. The Rhino Interface (≃ 30 min)
3. Drawing with 2D Geometry (≃30 min)
Print Guide -
Rhino 6 Essential Training
Setting measurement units and tolerance (3m 42s)
Understanding curves, surfaces, and solids (3m 1s)
Customizing the interface (1m 25s)
Navigating the viewport using panning, zooming, and rotating (4m 23s)
Understanding Rhino's command philosophy and organization (3m 45s)
Getting feedback using the command line and status bar (4m 21s)
Using toolbars, panels, and the pop-up menu (5m 17s)
Working with the grid snap and grid snap settings (4m 58s)
Working with object snaps in your workflow (3m 58s)
Taking advantage of the planar modeling aid (4m 24s)
Understanding lines and polylines (3m 57s)
Building rectangles and polygons (4m 16s)
Creating arc, circles and ellipses (5m 20s)
Drawing free-form curves (4m 11s)
Selecting objects (5m 25s)
Organizing a project using layers (5m 32s)
Performing basic transformations (6m 5s)
Scaling objects (6m 40s)
Trimming and splitting (6m 55s)
Making copies and structured sets using arrays (7m 30s)
Opening and saving files (5m 25s)
Print Guide -
Rhino 5 Essential Training