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WEEK #02

This week, we will focus on Euclidean Constructions using compass and straightedge drawings. Geometry education for architects today reflects the need for referential systems derived from pure geometric (formal) relations, not arithmetic ones.


Constructions: The drawing of various shapes using only a pair of compasses and straightedge or ruler. No measurement of lengths or angles. It is solving problems graphically, by drawing shapes instead of using arithmetic.

This website has many animations of compass and straightedge drawings. (link


This website is developed by a colleague of Benay Gürsoy Toykoç from Istanbul Bilgi University, Tuğrul Yazar. The sections on Architectural Geometry and Design Computing courses include tutorials, examples of student works and relevant information from these courses that they used to instruct in different sections. (link)

Drawing Tangent Circles

Finding the Circle from Three Points

Construction of Tetrahedron

Drawing Tetrahedron Quicker

Construction and Unrolling of Octahedron

Construction of Icosahedron

Construction and Unrolling of Dodecahedron

Construction of Icosidodecahedron

Construction of Truncated Tetrahedron

Construction of Truncated Icosahedron

Geometric Constructions in 2D and 3D
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